Title: Plastic Waste Trade A New Colonialist Means of Pollution Transfer Editor: Sedat Gündoğdu Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland Year: 2024 About the Book: This comprehensive volume takes a holistic view of the international waste trade, arguing that the...
A new study has revealed the presence of microplastics (MPs) in hypertonic fluid solutions, a type of intravenous (IV) fluid commonly used in hospitals. The findings, published in Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology raise concerns about potential health risks...
Plastics are a mixture of fossil fuels and chemicals, and many chemicals in plastics are known to cause serious health problems. Exports of plastic wastes have been identified as a significant global health and environmental threat, but current reporting systems...
On July 27, 2022, independent freelance journalists Vedat Örüç and Elif Kurttaş, were attacked while visiting an industrial area with dozens of recycling facilities in Adana, Türkiye. According to a post on Twitter by Vedat Örüç, the journalists entered a plastic...
Capping production of new plastics will help cut their release to the environment — and brings other benefits, from boosting the value of plastics to helping tackle climate change. Summary: An international group of experts says the production of new plastics should...
Microplastics – tiny pieces of plastic less than 5mm in diameter – have been found in human blood for the first time. Scientists in the Netherlands took blood samples from 22 healthy adult donors and analyzed them for particles as small as 700 nm. The researchers...