Title: Plastic Waste Trade A New Colonialist Means of Pollution Transfer Editor: Sedat Gündoğdu Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland Year: 2024 About the Book: This comprehensive volume takes a holistic view of the international waste trade, arguing that the...
Plastics are a mixture of fossil fuels and chemicals, and many chemicals in plastics are known to cause serious health problems. Exports of plastic wastes have been identified as a significant global health and environmental threat, but current reporting systems...
On July 27, 2022, independent freelance journalists Vedat Örüç and Elif Kurttaş, were attacked while visiting an industrial area with dozens of recycling facilities in Adana, Türkiye. According to a post on Twitter by Vedat Örüç, the journalists entered a plastic...
U.N. member states meeting in Nairobi, Kenya as part of the UNEA 5.2 agreed to the first global agreement to tackle plastic pollution. The historical treaty will be developed within two years. It will seek to prevent and reduce plastic pollution in the environment and...
A report released by Greenpeace Mediterranean today, Game of Waste, reveals that five sites in southern Turkey are extensively contaminated with hazardous chemical pollutants following the illegal dumping and open burning of imported plastic waste. Last year...